Disable all your mods by right-clicking them and selecting their Deactivate options.Then select Fallout 4 in Nexus Mod Manager to open a list of its installed mods.Then click the Folder option, and select the Fallout 4 directory.ĥ.Scroll down and click Add or remove exclusions.Click Manage settings to open the options in the shot directly below.Click the Virus and threat shield button on the left side of Windows Security.Type Windows Security in the search utility’s text box and open it.Add a Fallout 4 exclusion to Windows Security Then you can press the Browse button to select and add the Fallout 4 and mod manager apps to the list.Ĥ.

Note: If you can’t find Fallout 4 and your mod manager listed within Allowed apps, click the Allow another app option. Then select both the Public and Private checkboxes for Fallout 4 and Nexus Mod Manager (or Vortex if you use that).Click the Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall to open the window shown directly below.Click Windows Defender Firewall to open that Control Panel applet.Press the Type here to search button on the far left of Windows 10’s taskbar.Enable Fallout 4 through Windows Defender Firewall Then enter Fallout4Custom.ini in the file title box, and press the Save button.ģ. Select All Files on the Save as type drop-down menu. Note: If your Fallout 4 folder doesn’t include a Fallout4Custom.ini file, set up a new file for that folder by clicking File > Save as in Notepad. Then select the Save option on Notepad’s File menu.Enter this line under within the Fallout4Prefs.ini file: bEnableFileSelection=1.Right-click Fallout4Prefs.ini within the same Fallout 4 folder and select Open with to open the file within Notepad.Uncheck the Read-only attribute checkbox there.Right-click the Fallout4Custom.ini file and select Properties to open the General tab shown directly below.Paste that code into your Fallout4Custom.ini file with the Ctrl + V hotkey.Copy the following code with the Ctrl + C hotkey:.Click Notepad to open Fallout4Custom.ini with that text editor.Right-click the Fallout4Custom.ini file and select Open with.Then open the Fallout 4 folder at this path: Documents\MyGames\Fallout4.First, press the Windows + E hotkey to open File Explorer.Configure INI files for Fallout 4 modding Click OK to exit the properties window.Ģ.Select the Run this program as administrator setting, and click the Apply option.Then select the Compatibility tab shown in the screenshot directly below.